Revista Latino Americana de Probabilidad y estadística
Politica Editorial
Comité Editorial
 Presentacion de Articulos 
Espejo    Idioma

formato de Alea
ISSN 1980-0436


Volume V - In the memory of José de Sam Lazaro

José, un condisciple, un collègue, mon ami
Claude Dellacherie
pages 1--2

Functional moderate deviations for
triangular arrays and applications

Florence Merlevède & Magda Peligrad
pages 3--20

Independence of four projective criteria
for the weak invariance principle

Olivier Durieu
pages 21--27

Some unbounded functions of intermittent maps for
which the central limit theorem holds

Jérôme Dedecker & Clémentine Prieur
pages 29--45

Hölderian invariance principle for linear processes
Mindaugas Juodis, Alfredas Račkauskas & Charles Suquet
pages 47--64