volume X
Exponential approximation and Stein’s method
of exchangeable pairs
Jason Fulman & Nathan Ross
pages 1-13
Uniqueness of percolation on products with ℤ
Itai Benjamini & Gady Kozma
pages 15-25
Moderate deviations for the eigenvalue
counting function of Wigner matrices
Hanna Döring & Peter Eichelsbacher
pages: 27-44
A view from infinity of the uniform infinite
planar quadrangulation
N. Curien, L. Ménard & G. Miermont
pages: 45-88
LAN property for some fractional type Brownian motion
Serge Cohen, Fabrice Gamboa, Céline Lacaux & Jean-Michel Loubes
pages: 91-106
A quenched invariance principle for stationary processes
Christophe Cuny & Dalibor Volný
pages: 107-115
A limit theorem to a time-fractional diffusion
Jeremy Thane Clark
pages: 117-156
Asymptotic properties of certain diffusion
ratchets with locally negative drift
Andrej Depperschmidt & Sophia Götz
pages: 157-190
Stochastic Schrödinger equations and applications to
Ehrenfest-type theorems
F.Fagnola & C.M.Mora
pages: 191-223
Record process on the Continuum Random Tree
Romain Abraham & Jean-François Delmas
pages 225 - 251
Random walks with unbounded jumps among
random conductances II: Conditional quenched CLT
Christophe Gallesco & Serguei Popov
pages: 253–270
On the Law of Free Subordinators
Octavio Arizmendi, Takahiro Hasebe & Noriyoshi Sakuma
pages: 271-291
On the mixing time and spectral gap for
birth and
death chains
Guan-Yu Chen & Laurent Saloff-Coste
pages: 293-321
Cookie branching random walks
Christian Bartsch, Michael Kochler, Thomas Kochler,
Sebastian Müller & Serguei Popov
pages: 323-358
On the length of one-dimensional reactive paths
Frédéric Cérou, Arnaud Guyader, Tony Leliévre & Florent Malrieu
pages: 359-389
Comparison-type theorems for Itô processes and
differentially subordinated semimartingales
Adam Osękowski
pages: 391–414
Tanaka’s equation on the circle and stochastic flows
Hatem Hajri & Olivier Raimond
pages: 415–448
Cutoff and mixing time for transient random walks
in random environments
Nina Gantert & Thomas Kochler
pages: 449–484
Ergodicity and Percolation for Variants of
One-dimensional Voter Models
Y. Mohylevskyy, C.M. Newman & K. Ravishankar
pages: 485–504
On the easiest way to connect k points in the
Random Interlacements process
Hubert Lacoin & Johan Tykesson
pages: 505–524
Gamma limits and U-statistics on the Poisson space
Giovanni Peccati & Christoph Thäle
pages: 525-560
On the speed of Random Walks among
Noam Berger & Michele Salvi
pages: 1063-1083
Number 2
On a ternary coalescent process
Erich Baur
pages: 561-589
Some aspects of fluctuations of random walks on ℝ and
to random walks on ℝ+ with
non-elastic reflection at 0
Rim Essifi, Marc Peigné & Kilian Raschel
pages: 591-607
Functional Laws of Large Numbers in Hölder Spaces
Alfredas Račkauskas & Charles Suquet
pages: 609-624
A two-scale approach to the hydrodynamic limit
Part II: local Gibbs behavior
Max Fathi
pages: 625-651
On the critical value function in the divide and color model
András Bálint, Vincent Beffara & Vincent Tassion
pages: 653-666
Confidence intervals for the critical value in
the divide and color model
András Bálint, Vincent Beffara & Vincent Tassion
pages: 667-679
The determinant of the Malliavin matrix and the determinant
of the covariance matrix for multiple integrals
Ciprian A. Tudor
pages: 681-692
walk in symmetric exclusion:
limit theorems and an Einstein relation
Luca Avena, Renato Soares dos Santos & Florian Völlering
pages: 693-709
Convergence to the Tracy-Widom distribution
for longest paths in a directed random graph
Takis Konstantopoulos & Katja Trinajstić
pages: 711-730
Empirical central limit theorems for ergodic
automorphisms of the torus
Jérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède & Françoise Pène
pages: 731-766
Strongly Vertex-Reinforced-Random-Walk
on a complete graph
Michel Benaim, Olivier Raimond & Bruno Schapira
pages: 767-782
Fluctuations for the number of records on
of the Continuum Random Tree
Patrick Hoscheit
pages: 783–811
The Isolation Time of Poisson Brownian Motions
Yuval Peres, Perla Sousi & Alexandre Stauffer
pages: 813–829
Concerns with Functional Depth
James Kuelbs & Joel Zinn
pages: 831–855
The scaling relation χ = 2ξ - 1 for directed
in a random environment
Antonio Auffinger & Michael Damron
pages: 857–880
Optimal Convergence Rates and One-Term
Expansions for Multidimensional
Functionals of
Gaussian Fields
Simon Campese
pages: 881-919
Quenched invariance principle for a long-range
random walk with unbounded conductances
Zhongyang Zhang & Lixin Zhang
pages: 921-952
Comments on the influence of disorder for pinning
model in correlated Gaussian environment
Quentin Berger
pages: 953-977
High order chaotic limits of wavelet scalograms
under long-range
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu & C. Tudor
pages: 979-1011
Lévy Mixing
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Victor Pérez-Abreu &
Steen Thorbjørnsen
pages: 1013-1062