Revue Latino-Américaine de Probabilités et Statistiques
Politique Éditoriale
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ISSN 1980-0436


volume XII

Donsker-Varadhan asymptotics for
degenerate jump Markov processes

Giada Basile & Lorenzo Bertini
pages: 1-23

The Mittag--Leffler process and a scaling limit for the block
counting process of the Bolthausen--Sznitman coalescent

Martin Möhle
pages: 35-53

The number of ends of critical branching random walks
Elisabetta Candellero & Matthew I. Roberts
pages: 55-67

Fixed points of multivariate smoothing
transforms with scalar weights

Alexander Iksanov & Matthias Meiners
pages: 69-114

Windings of the stable Kolmogorov process
Christophe Profeta & Thomas Simon

Stochastic differential equation with jumps for
multi-type continuous state and continuous time
branching processes with immigration

Mátyás Barczy, Zenghu Li & Gyula Pap
pages: 129-169

Stein's method for the half-normal distribution with
applications to limit theorems related to the simple
symmetric random walk

Christian Döbler
pages: 171-191

A path-valued Markov process indexed by the ancestral mass
Etienne Pardoux & Anton Wakolbinger
pages: 193-212

Universality of free homogeneous sums in every dimension
Rosaria Simone
pages: 213-244

Contact processes with random vertex weights
on oriented lattices

Xiaofeng Xue
pages: 245-259

Variable Speed Branching Brownian Motion 1.
Extremal Processes in the Weak Correlation Regime

Anton Bovier & Lisa Hartung
pages: 261-291

Minimum Risk Equivariant Estimation of the Parameters of
the General Half-Normal Distribution by Means of a Monte
Carlo Method to Approximate Conditional Expectations

A.G. Nogales, P. Pérez & P. Monfort
pages: 293-308

The Stein and Chen-Stein Methods for Functionals
of Non-Symmetric Bernoulli Processes

Nicolas Privault & Giovanni Luca Torrisi
pages: 309–356

Fixation to Consensus on Tree-related Graphs
Sinziana M. Eckner & Charles M. Newman
pages:  357–374

Exponential Functionals of Lévy Processes with Jumps
Anita Behme
pages: 375-397

Time Reversal Dualities for some Random Forests
Miraine Dávila Felipe & Amaury Lambert
pages: 399–426

Excursions and occupation times of critical
excited random walks

Dmitry Dolgopyat and Elena Kosygina
pages: 427-450

β-coalescents and stable Galton-Watson trees
Romain Abraham & Jean-François Delmas
pages: 451-476

Functional limit theorems for the multivariate
Hawkes Process with different exciting functions

Raúl Fierro
pages: 477-489

A stochastic model for speculative dynamics
Sébastien Gadat, Laurent Miclo & Fabien Panloup
pages: 491-532

A conditional strong large deviation result and
a functional central limit theorem for the rate function

Anton Bovier & Hannah Mayer
pages: 533–550


Numéro 2

On the behaviour of stochastic heat equations on bounded domains
Mohammud Foondun & Eulalia Nualart
pages: 551-571

On jump-diffusion processes with regime switching:
martingale approach

Antonio Di Crescenzo & Nikita Ratanov
pages: 573-596

Change-of-variable formula for the bi-dimensional
fractional Brownian motion in Brownian time

Raghid Zeineddine
pages: 597-683

An Example of non-quenched Convergence in the
Conditional CLT for Discrete Fourier Transforms

David Barrera
pages: 685–697

Two evolving social network models
Sam R.Magura, Vitchyr He Pong, Rick Durrett & David Sivakoff
pages: 699–715

Large deviations principle for the Adaptive Multilevel
Splitting Algorithm in an idealized setting

Charles-Edouard Bréhier
pages: 717–742

Small noise asymptotic of the Gallavotti-Cohen
functional for diffusion processes

Lorenzo Bertini & Giacomo Di Gesù
pages: 743-763

Discrete approximations for sums of m-dependent
random variables

V. Čekanavičius & P. Vellaisamy
pages: 765-792

Card-cyclic-to-random shuffling with relabeling
Johan Jonasson
pages: 793-810

Trimming a tree and the two-tided Skorohod reflection
Emmanuel Schertzer
pages: 811-834

Uniform LAN property of locally stable Lévy
process observed at high frequency

Dmytro Ivanenko, Alexey M. Kulik & Hiroki Masuda
pages: 835-862

New Berry-Esseen and Wasserstein bounds in the
CLT for non-randomly centered random sums
by probabilistic methods

Christian Döbler
pages: 863-902

The power of choice over preferential attachment
Yury Malyshkin & Elliot Paquette
pages:  903–915

A shape theorem for an epidemic
model in dimension d ≥ 3

E. D. Andjel, N. Chabot and E. Saada
pages:  917–953

Metric entropy estimation using o-minimality theory
A. Onshuus & A. J. Quiroz
pages:  955–970

The limit shape of random permutations with
polynomially growing cycle weights

Alessandra Cipriani & Dirk Zeindler
pages: 971–999

On level and collision sets of some Feller processes
Victoria Knopova & René L. Schilling
pages 1001-1029